Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Days of the Endless Summer

Parenthood/Motherhood is HELL! Oh its worth it and all that crap. But really, can we save the obligatory statements?!?!?!
You start out vomiting, getting fat, everything stinks, food tastes terrible, your breasts become the size of watermelons(we might have to move this to the plus column, but only after you have purchased bras to accommodate your new size) and you turn in to this hormonal monster. There are a million other travesties that I have not mentioned ie. peeing 82 times a day and the only people that are seen naked more than a pregnant woman are porn stars. Not to mention that u turn in to a sloth that can't stay awake for more than an hour.

I had a taxing labor that lasted for three full days and ended in C-section. I lost close to 20lbs of fluid two weeks after delivery, this was also about the time I was able to stand up straight again. I do not consider delivery to be a big deal though. Natural or drug induced you don't remember labor as being so bad, cause you are so busy trying to figure out what the hell is going on everyday afterward!!! The only reason I felt the need for this paragraph is the mothers out there that will say "well her delivery must have been a breeze, or she wouldn't think that newborns are easy", (see next paragraph)

Newborn-Why do people act like this is the hardest part of parenthood? I had people calling all the time, bringing food, stopping by to help, and asking if I needed a nap or a break. What is wrong with you people? Has it been so long since you have had a baby that you don't remember? Or are you just following the tradition of a new birth? It's like when someone dies, you don't need the food and support the next day, lord you have upteenmillion family members there to do all that! It the next week when all the family has left and you can't get out of bed that you need the food and support. Same with the newborn, but it's more than a week. It's about that 5th month when they start rolling around and dissapear on you that you need the constant attention and support.  Let me tell you something, if you are a first time Mom, CHERISH THIS TIME. Your baby sleeps 20 hours a day, their poop doesn't stink, and they stay wherever you leave them. You lay them on the floor to pee, you know they will be in that exact same spot when you get back. Sounds silly? Well wait till you have an 8month old who does everything early including learning to walk!

Now is when you need the support. I had one friend that was honest. She kept telling me hold on to this time it is easy! At the time I thought she was full of hoeey. (Maybe that's why people don't tell you this crap, you don't listen anyway) Well she was right. I have never done anything that presented more challenges in my life. Being a new mom at the age of 34 has turned my world upside down. I had a body, a career and a purpose. Importance in that order.
I guess this just all sounds like a lot of bitching so let me close with this......I love my son and would not trade being a mother for anything in the world. You think you have priorities and you know where you are going and BAM your a mother.
Here is the most important thing that people don't tell you-Take lots of pictures, not for the memories, but for the times that you want to kill anyone who may cross your path. The pictures capture a moment, not always a pleasant one. I have a picture of my son throwing a mamoth fit. It is one of my favorites. It reminds me that there is humor in everything we endure and that things are not as bad as they seem to be at the time. (perfect example-delivery)
Kids are great, but they are a handful. Happiness and fulfillment is not always delivered in the package that we expect. Those are the good ones. "These are the days, of the endless summer" so Neil Young says. Well I love my endless summer. Its hot and I am sweaty and stinky but I wouldn't have it any other way!
I guess I can't save the obligatory statements...........

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is it Wednesday?

I remember coming across people occasionally that would say "Is it Wednesday or Thursday?". I would think how can you not know what day it is. Is your life really so mundane and without purpose that you can't keep up with what day of the week it is?!?!?  Well judge not! I am now one of those people.

I am a stay-at-home mother of a 7 1/2 month old. Not only can I not tell what day of the week it is, at times I have trouble remembering what month it is. I answer this quandary by taking my child's age and counting forward. I was disgusted (yes disgusted) by those mothers who's life centered around their child. I say again, judge not!

 I miss having a career, I miss my tight, tone, size one body, perfectly painted toenails, 4inch heels, and big gaudy earnings. That being said, I am OK with it. Motherhood is a whole new world, an exclusive club that many belong to but few speak truthfully about. It is magic at all times. It is hell at all times.  Even in the joyous times with your beloved pooping, spitting, crying bundle, there are fleeting second that you look at the child and think, "will you be in prison or president". Then you say a quick prayer (parenthood will make an avid prayer out of you) and ask for him to just be somewhere in the middle. 

If you are asking, "What is the point to this post?" There is no point. Just felt like I needed to see these words in print. They are a reminder to me, on a bad day, why I am doing what I am doing. The be the best Mom that I can be. At the end of the day, I have this little boy that looks at me with trust in his eyes. In my book that is worth not knowing what day of the week it is!